attack a target

美 [əˈtæk ə ˈtɑːrɡɪt]英 [əˈtæk ə ˈtɑːɡɪt]
  • 攻击目标
attack a targetattack a target
  1. Basically , robots that can choose and attack a target without any human intervention .


  2. To launch an attack against a target , using a firebomb .


  3. However , the PLA would need to make substantial advances in missile guidance and countermeasures in order to achieve the very high precision required to attack a moving target .


  4. In order to re-aim a new target and attack a moving target , the model of real-time searching for moving target was improved by considering the factors of tactical cruising of the aircraft .


  5. It was the first major attack against a US target in Greece in more than a decade .


  6. Al Shabab militants were waging a violent attack on a crowded target frequented by foreigners .


  7. And this desire came more from fear , a need to divert attention from one 's own nakedness and insecurity by an attack upon a common target , than from any real cruelty or scornful hardihood of the soul .


  8. Finally , We have executed the attack model against a special target network model , got the quantification relationships between SYN flood attack effectiveness and TCP parameters , achieved expected objective of simulation .
